- Power input:
- Motor Power Supply (VM): 4.5V ~ 36V, can be powered separately
- Control Power (VIN): 4.5V ~ 9V (10VMAX), can be powered separately
- Logic Operating Current: ?60mA (Vi = L), ?22mA (Vi = H)
- Drive part of the Work Current Io: ?1.2A
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 4W (T = 90 ?)
- Control Signal Input Level: High: 2.3V?VIH?VIN; Low: -0.3V?VIL?1.5V
- Working Temperature: -25 ? ~ + 125 ?
- Drive Type: Dual high-power H-bridge driver
- ESP12E Dev Kit Control Port: D1, D3 (A motor); D2, D4 (B motor)
- Expand two-way motor-driven, two-way direct-drive motor
- Onboard power switch